POSH - “Prevention of Sexual Harassment” at Workplace
"Correspondence of status and opportunity" must be verified for all and uniformity of each individual is ensured by the Constitution. This training will assist you with understanding all parts of Prevention of Sexual Harassment (PoSH) at working environments dependent on the handbook on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace, (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 Government of India, Ministry of Women and Child Development, November 2015. The focal point of this program is to make mindfulness on lewd behavior, furnish you with a solid comprehension about PoSH and illuminate the students about the redressal strategies
In the wake of doing this training, you will have the option to:• Obviously recognize what establishes and what doesn't comprise sexual conduct at Workplace and break down a few solutions for counteract such conduct;
• Study and fundamentally investigate a few Indian cases with respect to Sexual Harassment at Workplace.
• Execute and draft Workplace arrangements on anticipation of Sexual Harassment at Workplace.
• Establish a council in your association on anticipation of inappropriate behavior at Workplace
• Figure out how an Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) can bargain when it gets grumblings - do's and dont's during an examination.
• Comprehend legitimate commitments of 1) Employers 2) Employees and 3) Members, Compliant Committee.
• Run an association in exacting consistence with Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act, 2013.
• Acquire industry wide perceived 'PACE declaration' on being agreeable under the Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act, 2013 and the guidelines confined under it.
Advantages of doing this training from PACE:• A profoundly suggested training for HR experts, Corporate Employees at administrative positions, Head of Departments, Management Executives, Company Secretaries, Chartered Accountants, Students, Government and PSU authorities and any individual liable for running an association with in excess of 10 workers.
• This training is obligatory for all workforce of any Indian association having in excess of 10 representatives. This is ordered under the arrangements of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013,